Creating Redo/Back-off Logic when Fetching Regional Market History of Items
The EVE ESI Market History End Point I have a market_hub_puller project which has been in progress for quite some time.
The EVE ESI Market History End Point I have a market_hub_puller project which has been in progress for quite some time.
Quick Update on Terraform Tripwire Project
Thought all was well I haven’t played EvE in quite some time. When I was a bit more active I had a wormhole mapping tool to use in game, and late last year, ...
Research on Pandas I’ve created a branch on my market_hub_puller:DataFrame-Only which leverages the pandas library, and uses the data structure native to pan...
I’ve done a review of the market_hub_puller repo that is my current project. It seems that I’ve done a slight overhaul on how to fetch said data, and have le...
New Overhaul Folder Forgotten
So, As you may or may not have inferred from the link on the website’s landing page, I dabble in playing Eve Online. It’s a Spaceship MMO, and for me, it is ...
A lot has happened since my last post.
Research on Pandas I’ve created a branch on my market_hub_puller:DataFrame-Only which leverages the pandas library, and uses the data structure native to pan...
I’ve done a review of the market_hub_puller repo that is my current project. It seems that I’ve done a slight overhaul on how to fetch said data, and have le...
New Overhaul Folder Forgotten
Today’s post will be a bit short.
So, As you may or may not have inferred from the link on the website’s landing page, I dabble in playing Eve Online. It’s a Spaceship MMO, and for me, it is ...
Using Github Pages as CI/CD, and using my custom subdomain
With setting up CI/CD, I wanted to make sure that I covered the actual steps I took instead of going off on a tangent. Though, much was learned when going of...
Now comes the bit part. Many bits and bobs, but will try to capture all the steps required to install Jenkins as well as setup a repo together with the key l...
It’s been quite an effort, but I believe I’ve done it!
Fell into a bit of a slump come around the holidays, and also Q1. Work and other RL obligations has kept me “entertained”, to put it nicely. Lets leave it at...
The EVE ESI Market History End Point I have a market_hub_puller project which has been in progress for quite some time.
Research on Pandas I’ve created a branch on my market_hub_puller:DataFrame-Only which leverages the pandas library, and uses the data structure native to pan...
New Overhaul Folder Forgotten
A lot has happened since my last post.
Short Evaluation on What Framework to Use for this Blog
I want comments
So, it’s finally here. Alright, take a breath.
The EVE ESI Market History End Point I have a market_hub_puller project which has been in progress for quite some time.
So, As you may or may not have inferred from the link on the website’s landing page, I dabble in playing Eve Online. It’s a Spaceship MMO, and for me, it is ...
A lot has happened since my last post.
Short Evaluation on What Framework to Use for this Blog
Fixing things that hadn’t worked
I’m motivated. So I decided to upgrade to Jekyll 4 last night. Fortunately the Jekyll upgrade was actually not that difficult. I decided to keep being on Jek...
When I started this blog, I had just gotten married and we lived in a rented apartment in Brooklyn.
Life and workflow changes lead to delays Last time I posted was about a year ago. Not my intention to leave this blog, or other projects “abandoned”.
It’s been a while again. There have been many changes since my last post.
When I started this blog, I had just gotten married and we lived in a rented apartment in Brooklyn.
Life and workflow changes lead to delays Last time I posted was about a year ago. Not my intention to leave this blog, or other projects “abandoned”.
It’s been a while again. There have been many changes since my last post.
Research on Pandas I’ve created a branch on my market_hub_puller:DataFrame-Only which leverages the pandas library, and uses the data structure native to pan...
I’ve done a review of the market_hub_puller repo that is my current project. It seems that I’ve done a slight overhaul on how to fetch said data, and have le...
New Overhaul Folder Forgotten
I’ve started to write, but I don’t have a title for this post yet.
To the uninitiated, a distro-hopper is someone who hops from Linux distribution to Linux distribution, trying out the different flavors that this marvelous O...
Clearly I have things running, given that the previous, and this current, post are both up and running.
To the uninitiated, a distro-hopper is someone who hops from Linux distribution to Linux distribution, trying out the different flavors that this marvelous O...
I’ve started the last module of my Bloc experience. So far so good. I’ve learned a lot, however it’s expected as there is a lot of ground to cover.
I’ve started to write, but I don’t have a title for this post yet.
Clearly I have things running, given that the previous, and this current, post are both up and running.
Before starting, I’d like to provide some background. My last post on contributing to Open Source was made before actually writing a single line of code towa...
Short Evaluation on What Framework to Use for this Blog
Fixing things that hadn’t worked
Let me start from the beginning of being thwarted towards being part of the U.S. work force.
Let me start from the beginning of being thwarted towards being part of the U.S. work force.
This past Christmas weekend, I set up my first portfolio website, it’s up and running for the world to see! I also have pointing at it c...
I’ve started the last module of my Bloc experience. So far so good. I’ve learned a lot, however it’s expected as there is a lot of ground to cover.
Before starting, I’d like to provide some background. My last post on contributing to Open Source was made before actually writing a single line of code towa...
Before starting, I’d like to provide some background. My last post on contributing to Open Source was made before actually writing a single line of code towa...
Before starting, I’d like to provide some background. My last post on contributing to Open Source was made before actually writing a single line of code towa...
I’m super excited about this.
Fell into a bit of a slump come around the holidays, and also Q1. Work and other RL obligations has kept me “entertained”, to put it nicely. Lets leave it at...
After writing yesterday’s post, I realized that I had spelled a couple of things wrong. More than a couple of things wrong. So looked into spell checking in ...
Life and workflow changes lead to delays Last time I posted was about a year ago. Not my intention to leave this blog, or other projects “abandoned”.
Using Github Pages as CI/CD, and using my custom subdomain
Thought all was well I haven’t played EvE in quite some time. When I was a bit more active I had a wormhole mapping tool to use in game, and late last year, ...
Quick Update on Terraform Tripwire Project
Quick Update on Terraform Tripwire Project